
Sv Infotech Offers Python Training in Dilsukhnagar Hyderabad Python course training institutes in Dilsukhnagar Hyderabad

Python Overview

    1. What is Python?
    2. The Birth of Python
    3. History of Python
    4. Features of Python
    5. Versions of Python

The Python Environment

    1. Installation of Python
    2. Python Documentation
    3. Python Editors and Ides
    4. Basic Syntax
    5. Running a Python Script
    6. Python Scripts on UNIX/Windows

Getting Started

    1. Keywords
    2. Data Types
    3. Variables
    4. Naming Conventions
    5. Print( )
    6. Type( )
    7. Id( ) Functions
    8. Input( )
    9. Raw_input() functions
    10. Conversion functions
    11. Del Keyword

String Handling

    1. What is String?
    2. Single-quoted string literals
    3. Triple-quoted string literals
    4. String Indexing
    5. String Slicing
    6. Working with String Functions
    7. Working with String Methods


    1. Arithmetic Operators
    2. Relational Operators
    3. Logical Operators
    4. Assignment Operators
    5. Short Hand Assignment Operators
    6. Bitwise Operators
    7. Membership Operators
    8. Identity Operators

Flow Control

    1. About Flow Control
    2. Conditional Statements (Simple if, if…else,
    3. if…elif…)
    4. Looping Statements (while loop, while … else,
    5. for loop, infinite loop, nested loops)
    6. Break
    7. Continue


  1. About Sequences
  2. Lists
  3. Tuples
  4. Indexing and Slicing
  5. Iterating through a sequence
  6. Functions for all sequences
  7. Operators and keywords for sequences
  8. The xrange( ) function
  9. Nested sequences
  10. List comprehensions


  1. What is a module?
  2. Creating user defined module
  3. Setting path
  4. The import statement
  5. Module search path
  6. From … Import
  7. Module Aliases
  8. Dir function
  9. Working with Standard modules (Math, Random, Date and time, String…)

Errors and Exception Handling

  1. Syntax Errors
  2. What is Exception?
  3. Need of Exception handling
  4. Predefined Exceptions
  5. Predefined Exceptions Hierarchy
  6. Except
  7. Try
  8. Finally clause
  9. Handling Multiple Exceptions
  10. User defined Exceptions
  11. Raise
  12. Assert statements

File Handling

  1. Opening a file
  2. Closing a file
  3. Writing data to files
  4. Reading a data from files
  5. Tell()
  6. Seek() functions

OOPs concepts

  1. About OO programming
  2. Defining Classes
  3. Creating object
  4. Class methods and data
  5. Static methods
  6. Private methods
  7. Constructors
  8. Destructors
  9. Inheritance
  10. Types of inheritances
  11. Polymorphism (over loading & over riding)
  12. Data hiding

Dictionaries and Sets

  1. About Dictionaries
  2. When to use dictionaries
  3. Creating Dictionaries
  4. Getting dictionary values
  5. Iterating through a dictionary
  6. Reading file data into a dictionary
  7. Counting with dictionaries
  8. About sets
  9. Creating sets
  10. working with sets
  11. Working with Directories


  1. Defining a function
  2. Calling a function
  3. Function Parameters
  4. Returning Values
  5. Variables scope
  6. Call by value
  7. Call by reference
  8. Passing collections to a function
  9. Passing functions to function
  10. Lamda function

Regular Expressions

  1. What is regular expression?
  2. Wild card characters
  3. Forming regular expressions
  4. Character classes
  5. Quantifiers
  6. Greedy matches
  7. Grouping
  8. Match
  9. Search functions
  10. Matching v/s searching
  11. Sub function splitting a string
  12. Replacing text
  13. Flags


  1. Defining a thread
  2. Starting a thread
  3. Threading module
  4. Threads synchronization
  5. Multithreaded priority queue
    Database Access:

    1. Basics of database
    2. Connections
    3. Executing queries
    4. Transaction management

Advanced concepts in python

  1. Iterators
  2. Generators
  3. closure
  4. decorators

Advanced Modules

  1. CGI Programming.
  2. Network Programming. (Socket module,
  3. Client and server)
  4. Sending Email using SMTP
  5. Web scraping (Beautiful soup, Python web,Mechanize)
  6. GUI programming (tkinter programming, pyGtk, PyQt)