Java Technologies

SV Infotech Offers Java Training in Dilsukhnagar Hyderabad. Java Advance Java J2ee Course training institute in Dilsukhnagar Hyderabad Telangana

History Of JAVA

  • Why JAVA & What is JAVA Technology
  • Difference between JAVA & Other ( C , C++ )
  • JAVA History
  • JAVA Features or JAVA Buzz words
  • JAVA Programming format
  • JAVA Statements
  • JAVA Data Types

Geeting Started with JAVA

  • JVM Architecture
  • Compiling and Running an Application
  • Setting Class Path and Path

 Basic Language Elements

  • Comments in JAVA
  • Naming Conventions in   JAVA
  • What is Class ?
  • What is an Object ?
  • Variables & Types of Variables

 JAVA Methods

  • What is Method ?
  • Syntax of Method
  • Return Keyword
  • Types of Methods
  • Instance Method
  • Static Method
  • Main Method

 JAVA Control Statements

  • Introduction to Control Statements
  • if else
  • do while
  • while
  • for loop
  • switch case

 String Handling

  • Srting & Creation String
  • String Buffer Class
  • String Builder Class
  • Difference between StringBuffer & StringBuffer
  • String Class Methods
  • Mutable and Immutable Objects
  • String Operations


  • What is an Array ?
  • Types of Arrays ?
  • Declaration and Creation of Array ?
  • Initialization of Array


  • Why Constructor ?
  • Types of Constructors
  • Constructor Overloading


  • What is Inheritance ?
  • Need of Inheritance
  • Types of Inheritance
  • What is “this and “super ” Keyword


  • What is Polymorphism ?
  • Types of Polymorphism
  • Method Overloading
  • Method Overriding

Type Casting

  • Implicit type casting
  • Explicit type casting
  • Dynamic Binding
  • Message Passing

 Abstract Classes

  • Abstract Classes in  JAVA
  • Abstract Methods in  JAVA
  • Concrete Methods

Interfaces in JAVA

  • What is Interface ?
  • Advantages of Interfaces
  • Difference between Abstract and Interface
  • “final ” keyword

JDBC – Java Database Connectivity

  • Introduction.
  • Why JDBC?
  • What is JDBC?
  • JDBC Architecture.
  • Types of Drivers.
  • Statements.
  • Result Set
  • Prepared Statement.
  • Connection Modes..
  • Callable Statements.
  • Database Operations
  • Transaction management.
  • Row Set.
  • Connection Pooling.


  • Introduction
  • Why Web Application?
  • Web application Architecture
  • Dynamic web Page
  • Web Server & Web Container
  • Web.xml
  • Servlet Interface
  • Generic Servlet
  • Http Servlet
  • Servlet Life Cycle
  • Creating web Application
  • Deploment of a web application
  • Welcome file configuration
  • Early loading of a Servlet
  • doGet() method
  • doPost() method
  • Servlet Config
  • Servlet Context
  • Servlet Communication
  • Servlet -Browser Communication
  • set Header()
  • send Redirect()
  •  Web-Component Communication
    • Forward
    • Include
  • Session Tracking Mechanisms
  • Http Session
  • Cookies
  • Filters
  • Listeners
  • Web-Security

 JSP (Java Server Page)

  • Introduction
  • JSP Life cycle
  • Difference b/w JSP & Servlet life cycle
  • Advantages of JSP
  • JSP Translation
  • JSP Implicit Objects
  • Scopes in JSP
  • JSP Directives
  • Page
  • Include
  • Taglib
  • JSP Scripting Elements
  • Declaratives
  • Script lets
  • Expressions
  • JSP Actions
  • Standard Actions
  • use Bean tag
  • set Property tag
  • get Property tag
  • include tag
  • forward tag
  • param tag
  • plug-in tag
  • directives tag
  • script let tag
  • expression tag

JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Library)

  • Understanding JSTL tags
  • Working with core and formatting tags
  • Working with JSTL functions

 Custom Tags

  • Why custom tags?
  • How to create custom tag
  • Advantages of custom tags?

Web Security

  • Authentication and authorization
  • Implementing security using tags in web.xml

Creating a web Application using Eclipse


  • Types of Servers
  • Tomcat
  • Jar file of tomcat


  • How to understand a requirement and design solution
  • Creating a web application for the requirements
  • Understanding deploying options


  •  J2ee Overview
  • J2ee Architecture
  • Introduction to j2ee components, containers and Connectors
  • Structure of j2ee Application

Java EE Applications

  • Java EE Architecture
  • Introduction to Java EE Components, Container and Connectors
  • Java Frame Works
  • Structure of java EE Applications (Enterprise Archive)
  • Packaging and Deploying java EE Application.


  • Introduction to Hibernate
  • Difference between JDBC and ORM
  • Evaluation of hibernate
  • Hibernate Architecture
  • What is Hibernate
  • Advantages of Hibernate
  • Basic application on Hibernate
  • Hibernate-cfg.xml file
  • Hibernate config.xml file
  • Performing Insert/Update/Select/Delete operations in hibernate
  • Lazy loading in hibernate
  • get() and load() methods for select
  • Generator tag in hibernate
  • Annotations based Hibernate
  • Inheritance in hibernate
  • Storing inheritance objects into DB using Hibernate
  • Table per class
  • Table per sub class
  • Table per concrete class
  • Storing association objects into DB
  • Relationships in hibernate
  • Advantages of relation ships
  • Types of relationships
  • One-One relationship
  • One-Many relationship
  • Many-one relationship
  • Many-Many relationship
  • With list
  • With bag
  • With set
  • Hibernate Query language
  • DAO in hibernate


  • What is Spring
  • Difference between light weight &Heavy weight container
  • Inversion of Control(IOC)
  • Spring Containers
  • Dependency injection
  • Constructor injection
  • CI with Collection
  • CI with Map
  • CI dependent object
  • Setter injection
  • SI with Collection
  • SI with Map
  • Bean life cycle
  • Bean scopes
  • Simple Spring Examples
  • Spring Modules
  • Spring Core module
  • Spring MVC module
  • MVC life cycle
  • Multiple Controller
  • Creating views in Spring MVC
  • Spring in Eclipse
  • Spring jars

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