Java python .Net Mean Full Stack Web Developer Training Course institute In Dilsukhnagar Hyderabad
course content
Module 1: Introduction – i
- UI Developer roles and responsibilities
- UX designer roles
- Technologies needed
- Power of UI
- Current market requirements on UI
- Basic Technologies needed
- Difference between Front end and Backend
Introduction – ii
- Sample webpages
- Crawling and Meta tags.
- Basics
Module 2: Basics – HTML
- Exploring existing pages
- Browsers & Editors
- Structure of HTML Page
- Mandatory tags in html page (html, head, body)
- Heading tags (H1…H6), Tags and attributes (Class, Id, style…etc.)
- Inline and block level elements
Module 3: CSS
- What is CSS
- Different ways of applying CSS for elements, and priority chain of CSS
- CSS Properties (color, font, size, border…etc.)
CSS – ii
- Box model
- Margin & Padding
- Positioning Elements
- Floating Elements
Module 4: More HTML Tags
- Including external page links in a page using anchor tags and its properties
- Working with row and column data using table tags
- Hiding and un-hiding elements using display property
- img tag, p tag, ul and ol tags, li, nobr, hr, bretc
- Layouts, forms, buttons
- Input fields (textbox, radio button, checkbox, dropdown, text area etc.)
- Debugging HTML & CSS (Firebug, IE and Chrome developer tool)
- Creating Tabs and menu lists
Module 5: More CSS Properties
- Adding borders, font, Pseudo classes and Pseudo Elements
- positioning elements (absolute, relative, fixed and static)
- Image spriting
- Box model (margins, padding)
- Floating elements (float left, right etc.)
- Including external resources
- Absolute and Relative paths
- Including external resources like CSS, images etc.
- Display Property(inline, block, inline block etc)
- Display none and hidden elements.
Module 6: Form Elements
- Get & Post Communication
- Validating input values in a form.
- Form action and type
Module 7: JavaScript
- Data types and data structures in Js
- Control structures, if, if-else, while, for, switch case statements
Module 8: DHTML
- Dynamic creation and manipulation of DOM elements using Javascript.
- Adding multiple events dynamically using event listeners.
- Event capturing and event bubbling
- Exploring Event Object.
- Validations using key char codes
Module 9: JavaScript Supported Data Structures
- Arrays and Predefined methods.
- Working on logical programs using Arrays.
- Predefined methods in arrays
- Strings and predefined methods
- Objects
- Iterating through Dynamic JSON Object.
- Exploring Predefined Date object.
Module 10: Adv. JavaScript
- Inheriting Static Object using proto.
- Inheritance using Object.create()
- JavaScript Classes
- Prototyping
- Inheritance using prototyping.
- Global and local variables
- Securing Data using Closures
- Exception Handling
- Handling Predefined and user defined exceptions
- Exploring try, catch, finally and throws.
Module 11: jQuery
- History and version explore
- Difference between Minified and non-minified JS files.
- On load and on ready difference
- Jquery selectors
- Multiple ways of referring DOM elements using jQuery selectors
- Jquery methods
- Adding dynamic properties for DOM elements
- Toggling elements
- Creating dynamic elements using jQuery
Module 12: jQuery Traversing methods
- Traversing Siblings
- Traversing Children’s
- Traversing Parent Elements.
- Traversing Ancestors.
- Finding elements using jQuery techniques
- Filtering elements
Module 13: Events using jQuery
- Binding events
- Dynamic binding
- List of events been supported in jQuery (blur, change, click, dbclick….etc.)s
Module 14: AJAX
- Advantages with AJAX and its limitations
- Samples working with AJAX
- Different data formats used in AJAX (string, xml, JSON, etc.)
- XML and JSON difference
- Cross domain interactions using JSONP
- Jquery Promises
- Handling Multiple AJAX Calls using Jquery Promises.
Module 15: Jquery Animations
- Animation Effects using
- Hide, Show
- Sliding up and down
- Fading
- Animate Method.
Module 16: jQuery Templating
- Loading DOM dynamically using Jquery templates
- loading templates using AJAX
Module 17: HTML 5
- Difference between HTML5 and HTML 4
- List of Browsers support HTML5
- Doc type
- Semantic Tags
- Multithreading Using Web Workers.
- Media Support (audio and video tags)
- Graphics using Canvas tag and SVG Tags.
- Drag and Drop features
- Offline Application using Application Cache
- Exploring Navigator Object
- Working on locations lat and lng using Geolocation
- Storing user preferences using Local storage & Session Storage
Module 18: CSS 3
- Difference between CSS 2 and CSS 3
- Adding borders and backgrounds
- Advanced text effects(shadow)
- 2D and 3D Transformations
- Adding Transitions to elements
- Adding animations to text and elements
Module 19: Responsive Design
- Difference between multiple devices, making a page to work on multiple devices
- Media queries
- Introduction to Bootstrap CSS API
Module 20: Angular JS
- Introduction and History
- What is MVC
- Features and Advantages of Angular Js
- Angular Expressions
- Predefined Directives
- Dependency Injection
- AJAX communication in Angular using $http
- Handling Multiple AJAX requests using $http promises.
- Working on multiple controllers with in single application
- Communication between controllers using broadcast and $rootScope
- Difference between $scope and $rootScope
Module 21: SPA
- What is Single Page Application
- Exploring routeProvider service
- Working on $location service
- Angular configuration
Module 22: Filters
- Angular predefined Filters
- Accessing Filters in controllers
- Creating Custom Filters
Module 23: Angular Forms
- Form Validations
- Angular predefined Form validation classes
- Exploring ng-valid, ng-invalid, ng-pristine, ng-dirty, ng-touched etc
Module 24: Predefined Methods
- Angular predefined methods
- Bootstrap, copy, equals, forEach, extend, toJSON etc.
Module 25: Handling Events
- Adding events in angular js</
- ng-click, ng-dbclick,ng-
Module 26: Controller directives
- ng-if
- ng-switch
- ng-include
Module 27: NgResource
- Handling REST calls using $resource
- Performing get, post, put, query, remove an delete calls using $resource
Module 28: Custom Directives
- Creating Custom User defined directives in Angular
- Exploring template, templateUrl, scope, link and restrict properties
- Manipulating DOM element using Directives
Module 29: Angular services
- Constants
- Value
- Factory
- Services
- Providers
Module 30: Angular Scope Functions
- $watch
- $apply
- $digest
Module 1: Introduction to NodeJS
- Introduction and History
- Latest version details
Module 2: Installation and Environment Setup
- Setting up the Node environment
- Node and npm Installation
Module 3: REPL Terminal
- Exploring REPL Terminal
- Walkthrough commands on terminal
Module 4: Digging into NODE
- Server side Javascript
- Introduction to NPM
- Creating simple http server
- Exploring package.json
Module 5: Event Loop
- What is Event Loop
- Exploring Event driven programming
- Emitting events
- Setting Callback methods
Module 6: Web Module
- Creating simple webservices
- Creating web clients using node.
Module 7: Express js
- Exploring Express module
- Setting up express environment
- Creating http server using express
- Reading data from GET/POST requests
Module 8: Templates
- Creating templates using PUG
- Generating Dynamic html pages from server
- Responding a template for a client request
Module 9: File system
- Exploring File system
- Reading and writing to files
Module 10: REST API
- Introduction to REST API
- REST Architecture
Module 11: Clustering
- Creating and handling multiple clusters in Node js
Module 12: Db Connection
- Connecting to Mongo DB
- Connecting to SQL
Module 13: WebService with DB interactions
- Creating web services which communicate with Database
Module 1: Overview
- History and over view of MONGO DB
- Advantages
- How it differs from other DB
Module 2: Environment Setup
- Setting up the environment and installation of Mongo DB
Module 3: Data modeling
- Exploring Data modeling
- Creating and Dropping DB
Module 4: Creating DB in Mongo
- Droping an existing DB
Module 5: Datatypes and collections
- Datatypes
- Creating and dropping collections
Module 6: Documents
- Creating Documents
- Updating and Dleting Documents
- Query Documents
Module 7: Backup support
- Creating Backup for database